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Introduction to the Theology of the Body

Sadlier Course

Interactive Editions

Increase your Catechetical learning! Our Introduction to the Theology of the Body course includes a variety of learning module types--in-person, virtual and on-demand virtual. This course is focused on providing a positive and enriching impact on the development of catechists, teachers, and catechetical leaders. These sessions will:

  • Ensure fidelity in achieving an understanding amount catechists, teachers, and administrators of the Theology of the Body that helps in religious education.
  • Promote a deeper understanding of religion and formation by incorporating key core concepts of the Theology of the Body
  • Emphasize the importance of infusing classrooms and leadership roles with values like humanity, dignity, respect, and love to remain relevant in today's educational landscape.

Enrollment: Up to 100 Users (For more than 100 users, add Additional User Licenses with code).