Our Catholic Faith

Grades 4–6

Engage students with creative design and high-interest activities to foster faith development through knowledge of basic Catholic beliefs and interaction with families and the Church community.

  • Stories and activities that reflect students’ life experience connect them to chapter content.
  • Each chapter incorporates teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church including the sacraments, the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and more.
  • Enrichment materials focus on Scripture, the sacraments, the liturgical year, prayers, and practices.
  • Unit and semester assessments help monitor and evaluate students’ understanding.

Incorporates the Roman Missal, Third Edition.

This guide simplifies preparation for the catechist with an easy-to-use wraparound format and 3-Step lesson plan—Introduction, Presentation, and Conclusion. Also featured are:

  • Goals for each chapter to provide direction and focus
  • A reflection box with a quotation for personal reflection for the catechist
  • Catechist tips, enrichment lessons, family connections, and other features that make this guide an indispensable resource

The eBook provides the same quality content as the print Student Edition. Delivered via Sadlier's one-stop platform at Sadlier Connect, in addition the eBook format also provides access to robust tools that allow students to:

  • Read text
  • Make notes and highlight important information
  • Search for key words
  • Zoom in on specific content
  • Project lessons in full screen mode

See System Requirements at TechSpecs.SadlierConnect.com.