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Christ In Us, School Edition

Grades K–8

This consumable full-color Student Editions for school settings present four units and twenty lessons of core catechetical content. A fifth unit celebrates seasons and the feasts of the Church Year.

Also available in a bilingual edition

The spiral-bound, wraparound, full-color School Guides with reduced student pages make grade-level lesson preparation simple and lesson plans easy to implement. The Guides present systematic and intentional catechesis in a three-step approach: Encounter, Accompany, and Witness.

The Christ In Us Teaching Guides include access to all program support and resources in the Christ In Us online portal.

The Student Edition eBooks are available as a 1-year Site License for a minimum number of students. These eBooks provide access to robust tools that allow students to:

  • Annotate content and highlight important information
  • Search for key words
  • Adjust the size of the text to meet individual needs

Learning on the Go

Sadlier’s eBooks allow readers to easily navigate through the text and use bookmarks and annotations for effective learning. With the purchase of 20 or more print Student Editions, you can purchase bundles that include the matching number of online eBooks, offline eBooks*, or both. Bundles also include access to online resources in the Christ In Us portal.

Options include:

  • Student Edition + online eBook
  • Student Edition + offline eBook
  • Student Edition + online eBook + offline eBook

*The offline eBooks can be accessed through the Sadlier Reader App. The Sadlier Reader App can be downloaded through the Apple App Store or Google Play.

This consumable Portfolio Workbook for Grades 1–6 allows students to transfer what they have learned in each lesson and unit to their own lives with creativity and purpose. Mini and Unit Tasks build discipleship skills, and allow students to show they can live out what they learn.

The Youth Ministry Guides and accompanying eBooks provide for a meaningful bridge between formal religious education programming and youth ministry programs.

How to Order

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Net price is only applicable when buying for and shipping to an institution. It will be applied when you log in. List price will be applied to individuals.

Grade KGrades K-6Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grades 7-8Grade 8Grades K-8Subtotal
Net Price$21.99$21.99$21.99$21.99$21.99$21.99$21.99$21.99$21.99
List Price$29.32$29.32$29.32$29.32$29.32$29.32$29.32$29.32$29.32
Item No3700-83701-54002-24003-94004-63705-33706-03697-13698-8
ISBN: 978-0-82153700-83701-53702-23703-93704-63705-33706-03697-13698-8
Net Price$26.00$26.00$26.00$26.00$26.00$26.00$26.00$27.55$27.55
List Price$34.67$34.67$34.67$34.67$34.67$34.67$34.67$36.73$36.73
Item No3840-13841-83842-53843-23844-93845-63846-33847-03848-7
ISBN: 978-0-82153840-13841-83842-53843-23844-93845-63846-33847-03848-7
Net Price$30.69$30.69$30.69$30.69$30.69$30.69$30.69$31.69$31.69
List Price$40.92$40.92$40.92$40.92$40.92$40.92$40.92$42.25$42.25
Item No3870-83871-53872-23873-93874-63875-33876-03877-73878-4
ISBN: 978-0-82153870-83871-53872-23873-93874-63875-33876-03877-73878-4
Net Price$26.00$26.00$26.00$26.00$26.00$26.00$26.00$27.55$27.55
List Price$34.67$34.67$34.67$34.67$34.67$34.67$34.67$36.73$36.73
Item No3820-33821-03822-73823-43824-13825-83826-53827-23828-9
ISBN: 978-0-82153820-33821-03822-73823-43824-13825-83826-53827-23828-9
Net Price$68.25$68.25$68.25$68.25$68.25$68.25$68.25$68.25$68.25
List Price$91.00$91.00$91.00$91.00$91.00$91.00$91.00$91.00$91.00
Item No3720-63721-33722-03723-73724-43725-13726-83727-53728-2
ISBN: 978-0-82153720-63721-33722-03723-73724-43725-13726-83727-53728-2
Net Price$420.00$2,099.00$420.00$420.00$420.00$420.00$420.00$420.00$449.80$449.80
List Price$560.00$2,798.67$560.00$560.00$560.00$560.00$560.00$560.00$599.73$599.73
Item No3800-53770-13801-23802-93803-63804-33805-03806-73817-33818-0
ISBN: 978-0-82153800-53770-13801-23802-93803-63804-33805-03806-73817-33818-0
Net Price$4.99$4.99$4.99$4.99$4.99$4.99
List Price$6.65$6.65$6.65$6.65$6.65$6.65
Item No3761-93762-63763-33764-03765-73766-4
ISBN: 978-0-82153761-93762-63763-33764-03765-73766-4
Net Price$49.99$49.99
List Price$66.65$66.65
Item No3837-13838-8
ISBN: 978-0-82153837-13838-8
Net Price$499.00$139.00$599.00
List Price$665.33$185.33$798.67
Item No3750-33751-03752-7
ISBN: 978-0-82153750-33751-03752-7

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